Supporters of Embroidery

Diana Springall


Photography © Simon Olley

" Embroidery magazine is a HUGELY significant publication with a world presence. Apart from the on going collation of the history of the subject it provides and documents the diverse practice of embroidery overseeing much that would not otherwise be discovered, recognised or celebrated.

No other magazine does this. It is unique.

Our current editor Jo Hall since 2003 does a remarkable job. I have often written to her in praise of the breadth and ingenuity of her selection of subjects.

Some of us have subscribed all our professional lives and depend on it.

I have subscribed since 1959 - see the cover attached. I have every copy since. At the time I was on my NDD Painting course at Goldsmiths College but I must have already thought that embroidery was significant!

Apart from my dependence on the magazine for my own education and practice as a teacher and lecturer, I have benefitted personally from having my work featured in 1969, 1980, 1984 and even as recently as May/June 2019. See attached ?

In conclusion it is no understatement to say that the art world has little regard for the crafts and that embroidery, much of it a Fine Art, is considered to be at the bottom of the crafts.

Embroidery magazine is our one strong ambassador." 

© Diana Springall 2020