November/December 2022

Our featured artists for November/December are:

  • Fleur Woods, who lives in an idyllic area of New Zealand and is ready to share her unique stitch-paint method via an online course with Fibre Arts Take Two.
  • Annie Montgomerie’s anthropomorphic animal dolls are a little bit like Marmite...
  • Pop art stitcher Clare Mort’s star is in the (rapid) ascendancy.
  • Meet master embroiderer Jenny Adin-Christie whose new book on whitework displays her fine artistry in the method.
  • Corinne Young’s workroom is part of her 17th century cottage and surprisingly light.
  • Cath Janes turned to embroidering the darker recesses of the human body, with surprising results.
  • From County Meath, Eileen McNulty writes of the fairy trees of her childhood and local folklore and the disasters that would befall those who chop them down.
  • Cas Holmes is an artist-traveller becalmed by coronavirus and her partner’s illness, all of which has fed into her travelling show.
  • Gladys Paulus works with fleece, a physical process through which she seems to imbue feeling in her felt creations, many of which are based around her Dutch/Javanese heritage.
  • For Jane Hoodless the museum (and the quirkier the museum the better) is a place of awe, wonder and inspiration, not least for the arcane pieces that sometimes exist therein.


A selection of work from our November/December 2022 issue:

Toftly, 2022, one of Annie Montgomerie's lifelike vintage-style creations.
© Annie Montgomerie courtesy of Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This barn owl is one of Jenny Adin-Christie’s stunning designs
This barn owl is one of the artist's wildlife creations. Perfect, down to every fine detail and even giving off a festive shimmer.

Grayson Perry’s new robs, designed by Yuze Li, first year BA fashion knitwear, Central Saint Martins, UAL.
Photo by ©Andrew Quinn